Contact Us
Operating Hours
Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. or by special appointment. Please use 4th Avenue entrance.
The William Vicary Mansion, 1235 3rd Ave., Freedom, PA 15042
Driving Directions (GPS address: 1235 4th Avenue. )
Phone: 724-775-1848 | Email:

The Captain William Vicary Mansion
Sitting atop a gentle knoll overlooking the Ohio River in what is now Freedom, Pennsylvania, sits the stately old mansion built by Captain William Vicary. Long a source of wonder, its unusual construction and elegant style speak of the wealth and status of its former owners. [READ MORE]

Mansion Garden
Thanks to the Penn State Master Gardeners and other volunteers, the Vicary Mansion grounds are plentiful with a variety of flowers, plants and herbs that would have been grown throughout many time periods. [READ MORE]

The Meeting Room is available for rental. The fee is $100 for two hours and $25 for each additional hour. There is a $25 security deposit if using the kitchen.